Lawn Care Treatments
in Cheshire and the
Surrounding Area
Treatments start from just £20.
Professional Lawn Treatments
A great looking garden really can transform a home and it can even add as much as 20% to its value! We are here to transform your lawn and give it the care it deserves throughout the year.
From seasonal treatments to lawn renovations, we’re big believers in doing things organically and sustainably whilst supporting local communities.
Having a lawn you are proud of shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. We can tailor a lawn care programme to meet your needs and affordability with treatments starting from as little as £20.
Get in touch with us and book your free lawn analysis today.

Lawn Care Across Cheshire and the Nearby Area
Our business delivers a world-class lawn care service across Cheshire, Stockport, Wirral and North Wales. This includes Tarporley, Chester, Knutsford, Malpas, Whitchurch, Nantwich, Altrincham, Wilmslow, and other towns in the nearby area. Our experienced Lawn Managers would be delighted to have a look at your lawn in those areas.
Unsure if we cover your region? Have a look at the map or get in touch on 01829 309 169 and our team would be happy to advise.

Going Carbon Neutral
The programme helps to reduce emissions from deforestation, regrow forests that have previously been lost and to plant brand new ones! We’re really humbled to be working with WLT to help protect our natural world.
We’re also really proud to be one of the only companies in the UK offering organic treatments.